New Michael Harding Oil Paint Colours just added

The new Michael Harding colours are now in stock. Detailed information on them (and links) can be found below.
Caribbean Turquoise, Series 2
Colour Index PB 15.3, PG7, PY 150, Drying Speed:Fast, Opacity Covering and Tint Power: High, Lightfastness: Excellent, Oil Content: High, Toxic: No
Conforms to ASTM D-4236
Caribbean Turquoise is made from organic pigments: it is transparent, fast drying, and has a high tint power. Regardless of the type of painter you are this paint will convey your mood with the stroke of a brush.
Indigo, Series 2
Organic and Inorganic
Colour Index PBk 6, PB 15.3, Pv 19, Drying Speed:Average, Opacity Covering and Tint Power: High, Lightfastness: Excellent, Oil Content:High, Non-Toxic: Yes
Conforms to ASTM D-4236
Introduced after extensive testing this deep, rich Indigo is both organic and inorganic. It is transparent, has an average drying time along with excellent lightfastness and high tint power.
This oil paint is perfect for artists seeking to enhance enhance greys and shadows. It offers uncompromising quality and consistency. It is truly delicious, beautiful, and inky.
Quinacridone Gold, Series 4
Colour Index PY 150, PR 209, PV19, Drying Speed: Average, Opacity Covering and Tint Power: High, Lightfastness: Excellent, Oil Content: High, Toxic No
Conforms to ASTM D-4236
Michael Harding Quinacridone Gold is made from nickel azo and quinacridone. It is organic, transparent, with an average drying time, and possesses excellent light fastness and high tint power.
It is perfect for artists who like either glazing or being adventurous with colour.
Cobalt Teal Blue Shade, Series 5
Colour Index PG 50, Drying Speed: Average, Lightfastness: Excellent, Tint Power: Average, Oil Content: Linseed Oil-low, Toxic No
Conforms To ASTM D-4236
This new colour offers just the right amount of blue to compliment the teal.